Learn to be a Court Reporter

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Start your Court Reporting Career

At CourtReportingCollege.com we have been working hard for nearly 30 years to train court reporters. Hundreds have gone on to begin their new careers in the legal or captioning field.

There has never been a higher demand for Court Reporters in the last 25 years. Not only in the Midwest, but all across America. As this new decade begins, numbers are showing the lowest rates of court reporters ever recorded, with the median age around 51 years old. This industry is one of the most profitable career paths available right now.

Cassidy’s Success Story

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Start Your Court Reporting Career

Give us a call to speak with one of our team members

  • 1-405-235-3376

Court Reporting Machine Program

Students will be working with experienced and passionate instructors as they learn the theory of steno language and practice speedbuilding. Morning and Evening Classes using online distance training.

Course Information

Machine Theory

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Judge Parsley’s Full Interview


Here’s what our happy students are saying about our program:

Because of Oklahoma of College of Court Reporting,

I made $70,000 my first year.

Cassidy Western


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